Scientific journal
Fundamental research
ISSN 1812-7339
"Перечень" ВАК
ИФ РИНЦ = 1,674

Character of thermal destruction polybutadiene under the influence mix fullerene С50–С92 cluster

Chichvarin A.V. 1 Igumenova T.I. 2 Gudkov M.A. 1
1 Stary Oscol Technological institute (branch) NRTI «MISA», Stary Oscol
2 Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies, Voronezh
The analysis of results chemo metrics research as respects to some synthetic rubbers skims together with fullerens mix. Structure of use modifiers a mix of fullerenes С50–С92. Objects research consider industrial brand of butadiene synthetic rubber: SRD-Nd and SRD-ti, according to synthesize on neodymium and titanic catalysts. Modification of polymeric systems make by force of mixing polybutadiene synthetic rubbers with С50–С92 fullerenes fraction. Research synthetic rubbers skims carry out IR-spectroscopy. In this state analyze low fellow changes of transmission density typical chemical bond synthetic rubbers, under the impact of nanomodifiers. For solution these problems use chemometrics analysis. Data processing make for the purpose in order to receive hide information about chemical interaction fullerenes with synthetic rubber base. To determine influence fullerenes mix on the macromolecules of explore synthetic rubbers. Show efficiency of discriminant analysis in canonical version. Data processing make for the purpose in order to receive hide information about chemical interaction fullerenes with synthetic rubber base. Discover response mechanism nanomodifiers on the synthetic rubbers skims. Ascertain, what chemical reaction fullerenes mixes together with synthetic rubbers go on disconnected double bond.
synthetic rubber
infrared spectrum
factor analysis
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Нифталиев С.И., д.х.н., профессор, заведующий кафедрой неорганической химии и химической технологии ФБГОУ «ВГУИТ», ФБГОУ «ВГУИТ», г. Воронеж;

Калач А.В., д.х.н., доцент, зам. начальника по научной работе, ФГБОУ ВПО «Воронежский институт ГПС МЧС России», г. Воронеж.

Работа поступила в редакцию 24.08.2012.